Jill Wine-Banks in USA Today: “McConnell’s reverse Watergate road map is the last hope for Trump accountability “

As Watergate prosecutors, we sent evidence to the House. McConnell sent a message from the Senate to prosecutors about damning evidence against Trump.
During the Watergate scandal, my team of prosecutors gave the House a road map to impeachment — a road map that worked to get President Richard Nixon out of office. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, with his long, angry speech about accountability after he had voted to acquit former President Donald Trump, did exactly the reverse. He sent a road map to prosecutors.
I was one of the three trial attorneys for the Watergate obstruction of justice case against Nixon’s top aides. The day our grand jury returned the indictment naming Nixon as a co-conspirator, we gave a briefcase of evidence to the House Judiciary Committee. We called it a road map to impeachment. It meant Congress wouldn’t have to reinvent the wheel when we already had more than ample evidence of impeachable offenses uncovered in our criminal investigation.