Jen Rubin’s Green Room
Dahlia Lithwick
June 14, 2023
In This Episode:
Jen is joined by legal expert, author and Slate senior editor, Dahlia Lithwick for a deep dive into the current state of our judicial system and what it means for all of us. In their conversation, they discuss how the Supreme Court has been undermining the public trust with its partisanship, disregard of precedent (and even Originalism!), and how the courts can’t be ignored so long as they have the power to constrain our rights and decide elections. Given the scope of the threat to our democratic values, what reforms could restore justice to the country?
This Week’s Guest
Dahlia Lithwick: Twitter | Slate | NewsWeek | Amicus Podcast | UVA Law | Author of “Lady Justice” & Other Books
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Twitter | WaPo | Author of “Resistance: How Women Saved Democracy From Donald Trump”