iGen Politics
Midterm Election Panel
November 2, 2022
In This Episode:
With less than a week before Election Day, Jill Wine-Banks and Victor Shi are joined by an all-star panel of Kurt Bardella, Joe Walsh, Rachel Bitcofer, and Robert Hubbell to talk about how the state of the race looks with a week left. What should Democrats be doing between now and Election Day? Do polls mean anything? What should we expect on Election Day? They discuss all of this and more.
Get More From Our Guests
Kurt Bardella: Twitter | Op-Ed: No one really has any clue about what’s going to happen in the midterms
Joe Walsh: Twitter | White Flag Podcast
Rachel Bitcoifer: Twitter | The Unprecedented 2016 Presidential Election
Robert Hubbell: Today’s Edition Newsletter
Get More From Victor and Jill
Jill Wine-Banks: Twitter | Facebook | Website | Author of The Watergate Girl: My Fight For Truth & Justice Against A Criminal President | iGen Politics
Victor Shi: Twitter | Medium | Blog w/Jill Wine-Banks | Former Biden Delegate: @Bideninaugural | iGen Politics
Email iGen Politics at igp@politicon.com or tweet using #iGenPolitics.
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