May 21, 2022
In This Episode:
The #SistersInLaw meet this week to look at encouraging developments from the DOJ on the prosecution of 1/6 insurrectionists, including their analysis of thousands of transcripts to track down those involved based on the crimes. They also discuss the Buffalo shooter, the pernicious effects of The Great Replacement Theory, and how to fight back against extremism, then break down the many collateral effects of the leaked Dobbs decision.
Read the transcript.
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Content From The #Sisters
Post your summer reading list on our special hashtag on Twitter to #SILSummerReading
Risks to the military posed by the Dobbs decision
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Get More From The #Sisters In Law
Joyce Vance: Twitter | University of Alabama Law | MSNBC
Jill Wine-Banks: Twitter | Facebook | Website | Author of The Watergate Girl: My Fight For Truth & Justice Against A Criminal President
Kimberly Atkins Stohr: Twitter | Boston Globe | WBUR
Barb McQuade: Twitter | University of Michigan Law | Just Security | MSNBC