Nassar and the FBI, The Kraken & Voting Rights
July 16, 2021
In This Episode:
The #SistersInLaw air the revelations about the FBI and the Larry Nassar case and look at how to change the culture of sexism that seems to be running rampant throughout our institutions. Then, they discuss whether a judge in Michigan will be able to banish the Kraken from our politics, and explore the other legal options we have for strengthening our country’s voting rights.
Recent Articles From The #Sisters And From This Week’s Episode:
Barb McQuade on the Kraken Hearing.
Links To This Week’s Sponsors
Magic Spoon: Get $5 off your next delicious bowl of guilt-free cereal with the code sister at magicspoon.com
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Get More From The #Sisters In Law
Joyce Vance: Twitter | University of Alabama Law | MSNBC
Jill Wine-Banks: Twitter | Facebook | Website | Author of The Watergate Girl: My Fight For Truth & Justice Against A Criminal President
Kimberly Atkins Stohr: Twitter | Boston Globe | WBUR
Barb McQuade: Twitter | University of Michigan Law | Just Security | MSNBC