Politics War Room with James Carville and Al Hunt
Our Towns, w/ Deb & James Fallows, Jeanne Jordan & Steven Ascher
April 15, 2021
In This Episode:
James and Al bring on the creators of HBO’s Our Towns– Deb Fallows, James Fallows, Jeanne Jordan and Steven Ascher to discuss their journey to towns across our nation during the pandemic era. in the process, they saw that the causes of our division pale in comparison to the bonds we build when we live, work, and dream together. now, if only DC would get on message…
Email your questions to James and Al at politicswarroom@gmail.com or tweet them to @politicon. Make sure to include your city, we love to hear where you’re from!
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Listen to other podcasts from Politicon:
#sistersinlaw– featuring Jill Wine-Banks, Joyce Vance, Kimberly Atkins & Barb Mcquade
How the Heck Are We Gonna Get Along – featuring Clay Aiken