Politics War Room with James Carville and Al Hunt
Shane Harris & Chris Huttman
November 18, 2020
In This Episode:
As we get further from the election, it’s time for Biden to start putting together a cabinet. Al and James take a look at how it might look and what to expect in the early days of a Biden-Harris administration before taking your questions. Then they’re joined by Shane Harris, to talk about how President Trump could make the Snowden leaks pale by comparison to what he can sell or release, and Georgia expert Chris Huttman to give us insight into the fate of its Senate seats. Will it go dark blue?
Learn More About This Week’s Panelists:
Twitter: @shaneharris
Books: @WAR, The Watchers
Website: 20/20 Insight
Email your questions to James and Al at POLITICSWARROOM@GMAIL.COM
or tweet them to @POLITICON. Make sure to include your city, we love to hear where you’re from!
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