The Supremes, Gerrymandering & Omarosa
October 2, 2021
In This Episode:
The #SistersInLaw meet this week to examine the cases facing the Supreme Court and their possible impact on our laws before diving into the practice of gerrymandering, how different states are handling it, and the racial implications it has for our system. Then, they explain NDAs and the arbitrator’s recent strike down of the one Donald Trump had entered into with Omarosa.
Read the transcript.
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Joyce Vance: Twitter | University of Alabama Law | MSNBC
Jill Wine-Banks: Twitter | Facebook | Website | Author of The Watergate Girl: My Fight For Truth & Justice Against A Criminal President
Kimberly Atkins Stohr: Twitter | Boston Globe | WBUR
Barb McQuade: Twitter | University of Michigan Law | Just Security | MSNBC
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