Trumpoenas, Rittenhouse & Jury Selection
November 13, 2021
In This Episode:
The #SistersInLaw meet this week to examine the status of the subpoenas for Trump’s Presidential documents and the fresh indictment of Steve Bannon for contempt of Congress. Then, they look at the factors in the ongoing case against Kyle Rittenhouse in Wisconsin, and the importance of jury selection and how it’s affected by the ruling in Batson V. Kentucky.
Read the transcript.
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Articles From The #SistersInLaw
By Joyce on Steve Bannon: Steve Bannon’s subpoena case is taking longer than we want it to. That’s a good thing.
By Joyce on Trump Era Immigration Polices: Yes, the U.S. government should settle with families separated by Trump-era policies
Batson V. Kentucky: https://www.uscourts.gov/educational-resources/educational-activities/facts-and-case-summary-batson-v-kentucky
Links To This Week’s Sponsors
Head Space: For one free month of guided meditations, go to headspace.com and use promo code: SISTERS
Hello Fresh: For up to 14 free meals and 3 free gifts, go to hellofresh.com
Third Love: For 20% off your first order, go to thirdlove.com
Get More From The #Sisters In Law
Joyce Vance: Twitter | University of Alabama Law | MSNBC
Jill Wine-Banks: Twitter | Facebook | Website | Author of The Watergate Girl: My Fight For Truth & Justice Against A Criminal President
Kimberly Atkins Stohr: Twitter | Boston Globe | WBUR
Barb McQuade: Twitter | University of Michigan Law | Just Security | MSNBC
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