Ben Shapiro
Ben Shapiro is editor-in-chief of DailyWire.com, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” the top conservative podcast in the nation and syndicated radio show in the top ten markets, and a leading conservative speaker on college campuses, consistently defending free speech and open debate. Shapiro is the author of seven books, including The New York Times best-seller, Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America. Shapiro is also a nationally syndicated columnist since age 17, and a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School. The Washington Post calls Shapiro “a foe of extraordinary polemical agility,” and The New York Times calls him “the cool kid’s philosopher.” Rush Limbaugh says Shapiro isn’t just “content to have people be dazzled by his brilliance; he actually goes out and confronts and tries to persuade, mobilize, motivate people.” Glenn Beck calls Shapiro a “warrior for conservatism, against those who use fear and intimidation to stifle honest debate. I’ve never known him to back down from a fight.”