Judd Dunning
Judd is a Conservative writer, comedian, producer and the host of the comedic late night political news podcast/tv show/youtube channel “Conservatively Unplugged with Judd Dunning (with Canadian American co-host Adam Richmond!). Judd’s passionate self-effacing, politically incorrect right show reports far too unfiltered on “American Everyman News” with comedy and intelligent pro-Trump Conservative commentary weekly. Prior host of last year’s Politicon panel “Right Wing Comedy in These Trumptastic Times” and star of TV Pilot “CU News! goes to Politicon” , Judd is soon to publish his new book with co-author and comedian Eric Golub titled “Thirteen Reasons Why…NOT to Be a Liberal” and he is also moderating a celebrity podcast/panel at Politicon 2018 by the same name this year Sunday at 11am in K Street Lobby. Judd can be seen on stage and as a Conservative Political TV Correspondent and also remains in long mid-life crisis yet absolutely stoked on America. #MAGA #walkaway #Trump