Ryan Farber
As the least rich and least famous candidate to ever run for President, Ryan A. Farber represents the new generation of Democrat. The foundation of Ryan’s platform supports four pillars; ending consolidation of power, establishing Medicare for all, reducing income inequality, and addressing climate change. Together these core issues are embodied by our slogan, #AmericaConnected. It is his belief, the only way to build trust again in this country is to physically, emotionally, and digitally connect to one another.
What makes Ryan uniquely qualified? He personally represents the modern American. Ryan has driven for Uber, lived paycheck to paycheck, and personally dealt with outlandish healthcare costs, but always managed to put an humorous touch on the issues, occasionally moonlighting as a stand-up comedian. He is unapologetic when speaking for those who have done their part, and not reaped the benefits. Ryan is committed to pursing ideas and policies to better the citizens of today, and all future generations.